There is truly something magical about climbing into a tree house. You see the world from a whole new perspective, and as a child, it is the first taste of freedom. Trees are not as happy with the presence of a tree house. If installed poorly, tree houses can create a tree hazard. Using the assistance of the professionals offering Marietta tree services can make it possible for you to maintain the safety of your children, your tree and your home.
What the Danger Is
The first thing to consider if you are planning on installing a tree house is whether the tree can actually sustain the weight of the tree house. Not all trees are strong enough to hold a structure such as this. The bigger your plans are, the hardier the tree needs to be. It is the only way to assure the tree will maintain the weight of the tree house, with kids in it, and still remain upright. Marietta tree services from a company like Atlanta Tree Arbors can help you to assess whether the tree is strong and healthy enough to build in.
The other problem you need to worry about is that trees are living organisms. The tree, if unharmed by the building of the tree house, will continue to grow. This means that anything attached to the tree house may shift from its original position. This will happen gradually over time, so in most cases, kids will be done with the tree house long before it is ever a factor. Still, assuring minimal damage to the tree will lessen the possibility of creating a tree hazard. Opt for a rope ladder attached to the floor of the tree house rather than boards nailed to the trunk of the tree. Additionally, where possible, try to build around the tree, rather than nailing into it. The fewer wounds the tree sustains, the more possible it is to avoid killing the tree.
Can You Remove a Tree House?
Those offering Marietta tree services agree the hardest part about having a tree house is removing it. Trees can grow around a wound from a nail because it seals the wound. If the nail is removed, it leaves an open wound in the tree that can become infected and may ultimately cause the tree to die. This leaves a quandary for those looking to remove a tree house. The above advice for minimizing the number of nails used in the tree can reduce the possibility you will hurt the tree when removing the tree house.
The best way to minimize the danger to the tree is to leave any sections of the tree house nailed to the tree. Saw down the boards that are attached to the tree, but leave them in place. This will keep the wounds of the tree sealed and provide a much better chance of the tree’s survival.
Tree houses can be a lot of fun, but they have to be built with the safety of the tree in mind. If you discover you are in need of Marietta tree services before building a tree house, or after removing one, call Atlanta Tree Arbors at 770-256-4599.