Everyone knows that trees add beauty, act as sound barriers, they and are excellent for the environment. We know that they can add value to a property, but it can be harder for people to determine what their trees are … Continue reading
Everyone knows that trees add beauty, act as sound barriers, they and are excellent for the environment. We know that they can add value to a property, but it can be harder for people to determine what their trees are … Continue reading
Trimming the trees on your Marietta property can be a little daunting. Not only are you facing the possibility you could hurt the tree, but if not done correctly, you could damage your property – something you were looking to … Continue reading
Whether you thought about tackling it on your own, actually tried it on your own or made the safe choice and called a Marietta tree trimming service to come help prune your trees, chances are you though that would be … Continue reading
Topping trees is a practice which many people believe to be beneficial to the health of trees. The reality is that this is a senseless tree maintenance practice. This indiscriminate removal of a majority of tree branches can do a … Continue reading
Any time there is construction, it means that something new is coming. In Marietta, this is a pretty common occurrence. Of course, whenever there is construction, it is pretty common to see bulldozers in the area. The trouble with bulldozers … Continue reading
There is truly something magical about climbing into a tree house. You see the world from a whole new perspective, and as a child, it is the first taste of freedom. Trees are not as happy with the presence of … Continue reading
One of the scariest parts of living in Marietta is when there is a storm characterized by strong winds. This is because the strong winds have the potential to knock down any trees that are weak. With such a high … Continue reading
The trees on your property are something you are likely to enjoy having around. They add beauty to the property and shade for those long summer days. When properly maintained, trees can remain on your property for as long as … Continue reading
When you remove a tree from your property, responsible tree experts will offer you the service of wood chipping in Marietta. This results in a lot of great wood chips that can be used in a variety of ways. The … Continue reading